Terjahan butir keyboard

Aku pun tatau nak taip apapun haha ari ni rasa cam tade apa nak buat sebab separa kerja ada gangguan..blog ni sekadar menconteng suka suki jerk..

Kerja utama byk dok mengodek kat www.alkiram.net sejak 2 minggu lalu ranking page jatuh di tangga 15k lebih pada ranking web dalam msia mengikut rekod di alexa..jadi seminggu lebih aku dok godek sambil study skit cam ne nak buat agar ranking lebih kuar kt pakcik google n pakcik yahoo dll..biasanya aku byk study kt site2 indo mende ni..cam ne nak suh kuat..ya lah takkan la buat web tade org lak penat2 wat..

hari ni kena serangan visitor yg gile2 sape kena suspend jap kat shared hosting terpaksa aku kena abik pakej VPS jap utk abik abik balik file aku..kalau file2 dok kat blogspot huuuh kena p tanya pakcik blogspot lah tu pun kalau boleh biasanya tak dpt dah nak dptkan file2 ni..dah mmg jadi hak milik sepenuhnya pakcik blogspot dah..lagipun dia dah bagi free guna so mesti la bertimbal balas kalau nak mesti la kena bayar hahaha..kalau blog kita rasa hasil kita bermanfaat dan bernilai ni rasa sayang gak...

2-3 bulan lepas br je upgrade bandwitdh..ni plak lak tak leh tampung dah kat shared hosting hoho kalau dah men cecah 5k visitor sari mmg kena pakai dedicated server lah br mantap harga pun mantooop lew...tapi nak wat cam ne ongkosnya kena cari timbal..jadi aku timbal atas iklan jerk lah..seperti nuffnang..dll

tapi nak wat cam ne aku dok bertekak ngan atas status pengguna sbb TERMA dia tu sbb seolah mengambarkan aku ni ada wat tempat download lagu ke apa padahal masalah visitor gile2 dan sejak aku godek benda ni aku dpt naikkan ranking dalam masa seminggu dari 15k ke 7200 ranking web kt msia aku masih mencita2kan ke tangga ratusan atau puluhan ermm cam ne leew..giler ar semakin naik visitor...semakin meningkat hasil dari iklan semakin meningkat lah plak ongkos hooho..biasalah adat bisnes ada macam2 pakej..byk sgt ar pakej2 kt internet server ni..

jadi aku cuba jer dulu pakej VPS ni bila dah masuk pakej VPS/dedicated server kerja2 semakin giler2 dah sbb pakej2 sebegini kena kita budjet bulanan..

sbb tu web komuniti yg pakai badwitdh tinggi dll cam donlot..upload...torrent ni ongkisanya tinggi..kena donation lah...utk tampung..nak harap admin bayar mampus laa..so KERJA...SAMA hoho

so..aku nye pun mereka gambarkan aku ni cam dok wat servis2 cam tu gak tu aku gitau lam term dia tu..dah visitor semkian meningkat..dah lew suspend tade notis..aku tembak2 dulu tapi cam terdiam gak staff tu takpe sekurang2nya service akan lebih berkualiti tapi sbnrnya aku suka support dia sbb dah regular customer ni dah 6thn aku pakai shared hosting dia..mane lagi kt www.internet-webhosting.com

masalahnya adalah usage CPU tinggi hohoo so kena suspend hoho jadi aku up pakej VPS dulu kalau ada wit lak dan stabil leh pauu dedicated server ar bila maju hoho tapi ini antara tanda2 utk kemajuan seterusnya..next chapter..melepasi matrix2 gitu lah setiap lapisan matrix tu ada permission so cam ne nak lepas mestilah ngan wit lew hoho

ok gua chau nak otorun jap hoho

Perisian Untuk Buat 3D

Xara 3D v6 Plus 78 Animations
Both professional web designers and home users choose Xara3D to make still and animated 3D text and graphics, such as logos, titles, headings and buttons. With Xara3D’s clean design, intuitive tools, interactive editing (just drag on the image to change the position, the extrude or bevel) and ready made styles, you will create your first 3D graphics in minutes.

Traditional 3D programs are notoriously difficult to use and understand. Not so Xara3D. Unlike much modern ‘bloatware’ that offers more features than are ever likely to be used, and take an age to learn and understand, Xara3D has been created to perform one job, and performs that job with style, speed, and slick simplicity.

Xara3D is solely designed to create the highest quality 3D text and graphics, such as logos, titles, headings and buttons. It’s the perfect way to add impact to your web pages, mailshots and presentations (all images are fully anti-aliased for that smooth, professional quality). Xara3D can also create awesome 3D animations in seconds – GIFs, AVIs and simple Flash movie sequences – and you can even enhance your desktop by saving any animation as a screensaver!

Contoh cam ni lah:

Sedut sini :

My Pc checking..

@ubuntu:~$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82865G/PE/P DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface (rev 02)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)
00:06.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation 82865G/PE/P Processor to I/O Memory Interface (rev 02)
00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 02)
00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 02)
00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI Controller #3 (rev 02)
00:1d.3 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI Controller #4 (rev 02)
00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB2 EHCI Controller (rev 02)
00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev c2)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) LPC Interface Bridge (rev 02)
00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) IDE Controller (rev 02)
01:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs Ectiva EV1938

Wi-Fi Hack 2010

Wi-Fi Hack 2010

There is Wi-Fi from your neighbor or the signal passes through you, then do not think not seconds, get connected! This release works on the principle of radio waves and tricks on perepodllyucheniya nee.programma a noise loud enough already, so do not worry - swing, do not regret it! In this archive two disks

1.Auditor-200605-02-no-ipw2100.iso it for systems with radio cards Intel B / G (IPW2200) only.
2.Auditor-200605-02-ipw2100.iso This version is for all systems except systems with the radio card Intel B / G (IPW2200). Also a detailed description of the use of software.
Checked Kasperskim 2009, no viruses.

On the file:
Enabling | reg code: not required
File Format: Rar
Platform / OS: Xp, 7, Vista

Size: 1.36 GB



Bagaimana capture siaran di tv

1. Beli TV card dulu, tak kisah berapa harga. macam aku nyer macam nih
Hauppage TV CARD

2. Bila dah siap setup, ada banyak software utk capture rancangan tv, aku dah try macam2 software dan paling senang guna guna Window Movie Maker

3. klik pada capture from video device then akan kuar dialog camni
resized Reduced: 53% from the Original [ 960 x 730 ]

select tv card korang kat available device, pastu klik next

4. Taip nama file utk save video file tersebut, pastu tekan next
resized Reduced: 53% from the Original [ 958 x 727 ]

5. Part ni nak setting kualiti video tu, ini ikut setting yang selalu aku buat la, ikut korang la nak setting macam mana kualiti, lagi high kualiti gambar lagi bagus but file size dia beso la, pastu klik next

6. Dah ready utk capture. sebelum tekan START CAPTURE tu pastikan untick kat bawah tu create clips when wizard finishes kalau tak nanti video capture korang dalam bentuk clip, hahha. bila dah siap klik FINISH

7. Nak edit video capture tu drag file tersebut ke bawah

Playkan video tuh, bila start part nak di buang tu tekan CTRL+L, then play lagik sampai hujung part yang nak dibuang, tekan CTRL+L lagik, pastu klik kanan kat area yang nak dibuang tu select . Teruskan dengan part2 lain yang nak dibuang.

8. Bila dah siap edit tu bleh la save, tekan CTRL+P, pastu tekan next, letak nama file tersebut (nama lain dari nama yang mula2 set tadi sebab yang mula2 tadi RAW, ada iklan apa sume), then klik next.

9. Follow screenshot kat bawah nih, ikut kesesuaian korang la nak setting bitrate cemana, bagi aku 768Kbps dah ok, nak set lagi tinggi lagi best kualiti

10. Klik next dan progress utk save/convert akan bermula, bergantung pada komputer korang kalau spec tinggi kejap je dia save/convert. kalau spec rendah, paham2 dah la yer

11. Klik FINISH, Done!

Good luck!

Credit to: eiman torrent.jiwang.cc

Antara Software yang aku guna untuk kerja2 rip dan upload =

Movie Maker 2

Video Fixxer - Nak fix video yang rosak semasa rekod
Video Fixer

All Type Video Splitter

Video Joiner

Image Grabber = Buat screenshot
Image Grabber

DFX 9 Audio Enhancer Plug-ins for Windows Media Player, Winamp and other media players

DFX 9 Audio Enhancer Plug-ins for Windows Media Player, Winamp and other media players

MP3 Accessories - DFX Audio Enhancer Plug-ins Updated

Simply turn on DFX and be amazed at the added sound clarity and punch that your media player provides.

“DFX makes your MP3s sound much, much better.”



Use good microphone

There are many different kind of microphones in the market. Get the one which gives good sound quality and the characteristics are what you need. Omnidirectional microphones record sound coming from all rections. Cardoir microphones pick the sound coming from front and attenuate sounds coming from other directions quite much. With cardoid microphone you pick less envirnmental noise when you talk to it, but you know how to talk to it.

Cheap multimedia microphones are usually omnirections and will generally sound bad. The problem is that you can't get good resuluults with some soundcard when you connect professional microphone to them (for example Sound Blaster family of soundcards form Pro to 32 have too low -20dBV (100mV or 0.1Volt) to be usable with any professional dynamic microphone).

Bagaimana nak buat siaran langsung..

Bagaimana cara nak buat siaran langsung untuk ke internet event dari tempat aku ni. Apakah peralatan yang diperlukan dan apakah Software yang mesti ada...maksudnya disini dari handycam ke terus masuk boardcast..streaming live video ...

Di sini aku buat rujukan untuk digunakan pada masa akan datang..

Items Needed:
Video Camera with Firewire
Windows PC with Firewire
Windows Media Encoder 9 (free)

External Microphone
Windows Media Services

Before starting you will need to figure out where you will host your stream. Windows Media Encoder can host up to four streams which is about the max most home/office Internet connections can handle. To support more clients, we use a dedicated Windows server running Windows Media Services on a 100 Mb connection at ServerBeach. Other options are services such as Christian Video Channel, VitalStream or ChurchQuest (plans start at $8.95/month).

If you will be hosting on your own, make sure you have sufficient upstream bandwidth. We usually run a 387 Kbps stream, which with a 2 Mbit upstream you could serve 4 to 5 clients. (There is quite a bit of overhead due to buffering, etc.) Also, you will have to open a few ports on your firewall.

For this example we will be using our dedicated windows server.

1. Connect video camera to PC via firewire, Windows XP should automatically detect it.

2. Fire up Windows Media Encoder, the new session wizard should pop, select the “Broadcast a live event” wizard.


3. Under Device Options, select your video camera for both the video and audio (unless you are using an external mic connected to the sound card).


4. We will push to our Windows Media server, this avoids opening inbound ports on the firewall.

Broadcast Method

5. Server and Publishing Point
Server Name: DNS or IP address of server running Windows Media Services
Publishing Point: Choose a name for your stream (does not need to already exist)

Publishing Point

6. Under Encoding Options we chose the default setting of 387 Kbps under “Live Broadcast video”

Encoding Options

7. We usually don’t archive the file using the streaming box because of the reduced quality (recording quality is based on the Encoding Options we just chose), we just slide a tape into the camcorder.

Archive File

8. We don’t include any videos for an intro or conclusion, but you can easily do so.

Include Video

9. Add in all the relevant information about your stream.

Display Information

10. Review the settings and click finish.

Settings Review

11. You will be prompted for a user name and password, enter an account that will allow you to create/manage publishing points on the streaming server.

Broadcast Password

12. Start Encoding

Start Encoding

13. Tell your users to point their web browsers to http://servername/publishingpoint

References : http://anchorite.org/blog/2007/01/25/live-windows-media-streaming-mini-howto/

Layan TorrentFm..

Country music

Country music (or country and western) is a blend of popular musical forms originally found in the Southern United States and the Appalachian Mountains. It has roots in traditional folk music, Celtic music, gospel music and old-time music and evolved rapidly in the 1920s.[1]

The term country music began to be used in the 1940s when the earlier term hillbilly music was deemed to be degrading and the term was widely embraced in the 1970s, while country and Western has declined in use since that time, except in the United Kingdom and Ireland, where it is still commonly used.

In the Southwestern United States a different mix of ethnic groups created the music that became the Western music of the term country and Western. The term "country music" is used today to describe many styles and subgenres.

Country music has produced two of the top selling solo artists of all time. Elvis Presley, who was known early on as “the Hillbilly Cat” and was a regular on the radio program Louisiana Hayride,[ went on to become a defining figure in the emergence of rock and roll. Contemporary musician Garth Brooks, with 220 million albums sold, is the top-selling solo artist in U.S. history.

While album sales of most musical genres have declined, country music experienced one of its best years in 2006, when, during the first six months, U.S. sales of country albums increased by 17.7 percent to 36 million. Moreover, country music listening nationwide has remained steady for almost a decade, reaching 77.3 million adults every week, according to the radio-ratings agency Arbitron, Inc.


TorrentFM Radio